viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

My Favorites Animals

-He live in jurassic park and in the north of Africa
-He eat meat
-He run fast
-He`s strong

-He lived the last 90 billion years ago and lived in mongolia
-He eat meat
-He ran very fast
-He killed many helpless dinosaur

-He live in Mexico
-He eat meat of fish
-He`s amazing!
-He is small

4- Megalodon
-He live in ocean pacific, in the coast of USA
-He eat whales
-He small
-He kills everything in sight

-He lives in Africa
-He is herbivorous
-The monkeys eat the
-he is very slow

6-Cerdo araña
-He live in north america
-He eat grass
-He is fat
-He is a small

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