sábado, 14 de mayo de 2011

What do you know about Father Eladio?

Eladio Mozas Santamera was born in Miedes de Atienza (Guadalajara) in 1837.
 In December, 1862 it obtained the Doctorate in Theology in the Central University of Madrid.
 Priest is ordained in April, 1865 and happens to belong and Plasencia's diocese.
 In this city it develops an intense priestly life. He was A Parson, Teacher of the Seminar, Penitentiary Canon and the spiritual director of Serradilla's Religious Agustinas Recoletas whom it directs 549 letters of contained theological and mystical high place and of great literary beauty.
 He had to live a complex epoch. In 19th century there blew up economic, social and religious deep transformations.
 The " God's oblivion and the scorn of the man " go together. To this inseparable binomial Eladio answered with the commitment of his life. 

N.Santibañez 14/05/2911

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